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 Robotics / RCX / 2976
2975  |  2977
Re: Process Control with RCX
Wed, 15 Mar 2017 16:43:06 GMT
24027 times
Having to trouble shoot a Dell Inspiron 1100 not booting up cleanly. An alarm
goes off and it goes to safe boot mode. I am running the original Home version
of XP without updates and RoboLab 2.94. Keeping the 2007 working original
program until new application arm is working. Side arm needs to come in and heat
up surface where oil pastel dot is applied and move aside for the application
wheel to rotate to the color and move down to apply the dot. Thinking it will be
a side arm where the heating box flips down, moves into dot area for allotted
time then out.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Process Control with RCX
Using RCX bricks and RoboLab 2.94, in many ways is like being stranded on Mars and this is all there is, which is everything. There is plenty of time until the next spaceship arrives since contacting Earth depends on making this software and (...) (7 years ago, 7-Apr-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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  Process Control with RCX
I am back on the Lego wagon, making another painting machine. Looking forward to creating the best practices program with your advising. (7 years ago, 9-Jan-17, to lugnet.robotics.rcx)

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