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 Organizations / United States / L.U.C.N.Y. / 897
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Re: GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fri, 16 Mar 2012 18:17:31 GMT
29485 times
In, Ed McGlynn wrote:
In, Wayne Sardullo writes:
I was in the Carosel Mall today and Came across a Small LEGO Store Selling
LEGOS. Apparently they are working together with one of the bookstores. I was
told depending on HOW GOOD things work out and sales they might go for a FULL
FLEDGED STORE!!!! I mentioned LUCNY and told them who I was and mentioned a
LAYOUT. While I expected a little more support Im sure if I talk to the Manager
who wasn't there it would be good....  If we can come up with something I think
we can get more support in the near future!!!

If you get some Time go to the mall and make a Ruckus about the Lego Place. Im
not going to say its any better then Toys R Us but at least we got something to
start with. The two woman there were suprised to know that there was a Lego
Users Group in CNY. This might be a good thing. The thing we have all been
waiting for!

its in the basement floor next to the UP escalators! across from finishline!


...I'll have to check it out and introduce myself as well, so they know
you're not totally whacked, Wayne!  Grown people playing with LEGO bricks,
indeed - and the buggers have formed a user group?!

That's a pretty good location, I guess.  I've talked to the manager of the
Dawsonville, GA LEGO store there, where they too set up a test run store in
a mall, and have kept it going for a couple of years now.  They had good
visibility in the mall, and they seem to boom around the holidays, of
course.  Nice that we have one locally to support.


Just to close the loop and dust off an ancient thread...
LUCNY's building the Brand Ribbon and initial retail sets for the launch of the
LEGO Retail store in Eastview Mall, Victor, NY, scheduled for April 6th!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: GREAT NEWS!!!...!!!
(...) ...I'll have to check it out and introduce myself as well, so they know you're not totally whacked, Wayne! Grown people playing with LEGO bricks, indeed - and the buggers have formed a user group?! That's a pretty good location, I guess. I've (...) (22 years ago, 20-Sep-02, to,,,,

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