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 Organizations / Canada / NALUG / 576
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Re: It got to Edmonton, then stopped...
Fri, 9 Feb 2001 00:41:35 GMT
1859 times
In, David K. Z. Harris writes:
I sent my 15-pound box o' trains to Steve C.s house via DHL.
It got clear to Edmonton, and then got stuck. Bad address, they say.
I've confirmed it all with DHL, and with Steve, but tomorrow, the
DHL driver will have Steve's mobile phone number, so I expect that
somehow Steve and the box will get connected. :-)

Zonker's box of trains arrived this morning (at work).
I had to open it up and put everything on my desk of
course - most of it survived intact.  I've repacked
the box so it's ready for the show setup in one week.


Message is in Reply To:
  It got to Edmonton, then stopped...
I sent my 15-pound box o' trains to Steve C.s house via DHL. It got clear to Edmonton, and then got stuck. Bad address, they say. I've confirmed it all with DHL, and with Steve, but tomorrow, the DHL driver will have Steve's mobile phone number, so (...) (23 years ago, 7-Feb-01, to

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