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  Re: Oh no - there is no one else from Rockford!
(...) Sounds good, I hope to find some time to visit atleast one shop that sells Lego. (...) Wow! That would be great. However since I'm traveling with a friends family I don't know all about the plans for the trip but I'm pretty sure they don't (...) (21 years ago, 27-Oct-03, to,
  Re: Oh no - there is no one else from Rockford!
(...) The closest store to Rockford would be Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, just about an hour's trip on I-90. The next closest from there would be Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Let me know as you get closer to leaving - email me - and we can make (...) (21 years ago, 24-Oct-03, to,
  Re: Oh no - there is no one else from Rockford!
(...) I'm leaving for Rockford the 3:rd of december, I'm going with a friend who has relatives there. How's the Lego store situation in Rockford? :) Any Lego store not too far from Rockford is also on the 'possible visits' list! Hopefully we will (...) (21 years ago, 23-Oct-03, to
  Re: Oh no - there is no one else from Rockford!
(...) Yeah. I had talked to him a little more after we met him at the Toy Connection a few months back. I was going to borrow the company's supply of bricks in the area for an event at my church for kids. I couldn't get the bricks cause a store was (...) (24 years ago, 28-Dec-99, to,

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