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  Chief Illinirok
UofI fans should appreciate this: (URL) (22 years ago, 13-Feb-02, to
  Re: Anyone out there?
I should add that there *are* plenty of people at U of I who like LEGO, but I just don't know who they are. :) It used to be that every year the Engineering Open House would feature some LEGO creations (usually some sort of Mindstorms thing or (...) (23 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to
  Re: Anyone out there?
(...) I used to go to school down here (got my undergrad and grad degrees at U of I), but now I work for the University (specifically at NCSA). That makes me an old fogy. It's funny -- the students are getting younger and younger each year. :) Chris (23 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to
  Re: Anyone out there?
(...) I think if there are any they are choosing to lurk. Are you going to school at UofI? I was down there last weekend with some friends. We went to Joe's (I think thats what it called). Too crowded and watered down drinks. Oh well. (23 years ago, 10-Nov-00, to

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