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 LEGO Company / 849
    Re: What's next?? —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) I'm not sure a webcast is in the cards. I don't think we have the bandwidth for one. However I am going to try mightily to capture the talk in real time as I usually do, and further, I am going to try to have chat sessions open to get incoming (...) (20 years ago, 3-Feb-04, to, lugnet.general,, FTX)
        Re: What's next?? —Leonard Hoffman
   -snip- (...) -snip- Lar, I'm glad to hear that you have included Classic-Castle in on this. I've posted this over there in our forums: (URL) And hopefully some of our members will take you up on this. ;o) -Lenny (20 years ago, 3-Feb-04, to, lugnet.general,, FTX)

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