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 General / 55376
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Re: Strong smoke smell on parts
Wed, 3 Feb 2010 13:43:36 GMT
14198 times
Hi Lee,

Wash the smoke damaged bricks in warm soapy water with a small amount of bleach.
Let the bricks soak for a few hours.  Rinse and let the bricks air dry on a
towel.  The bleach smell will fade after a few days and your bricks will no
longer smell of smoke.

Another tip for smoke damaged instruction booklets is to place dryer sheets in
between the pages.  This will greatly decrease that smoke smell after a few


Message is in Reply To:
  Strong smoke smell on parts
I recently got an order from Bricklink, from a store in Germany, and when it arrived it smelled very strongly of smoke. I've been trying to find solutions to cleaning them that will be satisfactory. Some sites say sealing items in a container with a (...) (14 years ago, 2-Feb-10, to lugnet.general)

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