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 General / 50365
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searching for something to tighten the fit of overused LEGO pieces
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 07:24:59 GMT
803 times
I use LEGO for teambuilding workshops. The pieces are used time and
time again. After a while they fit together rather loosely.

Do you know of any material / powder / whatever I can put on the pieces
to make them fit together more tightly?

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: searching for something to tighten the fit of overused LEGO pieces
(...) This is normal. (...) Actually, the preferred approach is to simply not rely on the strength of the stud friction alone to give the model any strength. Even when heavily used, the stud friction alone should be able to _hold_ your model (...) (19 years ago, 17-Mar-05, to lugnet.general)
  Re: searching for something to tighten the fit of overused LEGO pieces
(...) Try washing the pieces in hand-hot (40 degC) water with normal washing powder. Allow the pieces to soak overnight and rinse them in warm water the next day, leaving them to dry on an old towel. I've found that when I wash 2nd-hand Lego parts, (...) (19 years ago, 17-Mar-05, to lugnet.general)

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