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Re: The most terrifying garage sale find of all time
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 20:04:02 GMT
553 times
"Ed "Boxer" Jones" <> wrote in message
I think you are all overracting.  Its a kid with some imagination beyond • the
original intended purpose of the toy.  IMO, and I could be totally wrong, • I
would suspect that it was the work of a 13-14 year-old having some fun • with old
toys.  Now, those of you that have never:
- blown up anything up with a firecracker
- pulled the arms off your sisters dolls (or defaced it in any other way)
- pulled the wheels off your brothers trucks (or defaced it in any other • way)
- pulled your cat by the tail
- pulled your dog by the tail
- basically destroyed one of your toys experimenting with tools (toy or • adult)
- set any plastic toy on fire to see how it would burn
- painted one of your toys

..feel free to be repulsed.

Mabye I am the only one, but I have to say that I have never done any of the
things listed.

On the other hand, the only "changes" that I find disturbing are the horses
and the shark.  Spray painting a toy is one thing.  Mutilating an "animal"
is another thing entirely.  I hope that this was only the work of an active
imagination, and not some other type of mentality.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The most terrifying garage sale find of all time
(...) I think you are all overracting. Its a kid with some imagination beyond the original intended purpose of the toy. IMO, and I could be totally wrong, I would suspect that it was the work of a 13-14 year-old having some fun with old toys. Now, (...) (22 years ago, 16-Sep-02, to lugnet.general)

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