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H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 03:57:26 GMT
271 times
I am going out of town, so won't have access to my newsreader.  Hope
everyone has a nice holiday, and gets all the bricks they have been dreaming

Build On!
John Matthews

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !
(...) Oh, I hope to have a happy holiday, should be alright. As for the bricks I know I got some nice ones, of course I bought them last wednesday at 40% off (chrome castle sets yea!). What I get from everybody else will be probably NOT LEGO sets, (...) (23 years ago, 23-Dec-00, to lugnet.general)

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