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Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Tue, 2 May 2000 19:51:01 GMT
516 times
In, Shiri Dori writes:

Just wondering, who built that awesome church-like structure that appears at
the foreground of this pic?
I can't quite make it out... looks like it has been through some devastating
moments :o) but still looks great!

That would be me, the guy in the back of the same shot.  It was supposed to
look like it had been through heavy fire- I wanted to get a "Saving Private
Ryan" devastated European village feel for my BrikWars Scenery.  There is
supposed to be more of a town square, but all I managed to complete was the
church, the fountain in front of it, and the little white shop to the immdiate
left of it.  I had hoped to build more for this game (all of that was completed
for the last game) but personal life came before building.

Anyway.  I'm glad you like it, I'm quite proud of it.  There were a lot of
elements for a church/cathedral bouncing in my head, and I managed to use most
of them.  And I discovered that building ruins is fun, because as soon as you
start feeling like it's tedious you're done.

There are other shots of it on the other NELUG BrikWars page as well, some of
which show off the interior features like the choir loft and stairways, and
pews and saintly statue.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: NELUG 4/30/00 Brikwars Pics are up.
In, Shaun Sullivan writes: <snip> Wee! Sounds like you guys had a great time! Just wondering, who built that awesome church-like structure that appears at the foreground of this pic? (URL) can't quite make it out... looks like it (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to, lugnet.gaming)

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