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Re: roman castle series.
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:43:25 GMT
1659 times
Actually, I believe the new castle chrome series (when put together) makes a
really great roman soldier.

I'm sure many of you have done this.......

Use the legs, torso, and silver armor of the knight from set 4817 (legs with
the brown cloth imprint).

Take off the chrome armor and add a red plastic cape covering the rear of the
torso. Place the chrome armor back on the torso, covering the front.

Feel free to replace the black arms with red or white arms.

Next, a standard smiley face (clean-shaven look) and place the chrome helmet
from set 4818 on top.

Add a medium-sized red plume on top of the helmet.
Add a spear,(or modified spear), or sword, and the chrome shield from 4818...

There you go! A pretty neat representation of a roman soldier.

He may not be 100% accuarate due to the legs, but it's pretty close.


In lugnet.castle, Geordan Ballantree writes:
Wouldn't it be neat if lego came out with a series based on ancient roman
civilization? I wouldn't want it to replace normal castle but TLG would
probably replace it anyway just to tick us off. But they could make some roman
baths and a whole bunch of roman troops. They could also make some seige
weapons and a whole fortress with weapons andtraps and stuff. Anyway, I'm
starting to get carried away, but I think that that would be cool.

Message is in Reply To:
  roman castle series.
Wouldn't it be neat if lego came out with a series based on ancient roman civilization? I wouldn't want it to replace normal castle but TLG would probably replace it anyway just to tick us off. But they could make some roman baths and a whole bunch (...) (24 years ago, 24-Oct-00, to lugnet.castle)

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