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 Castle / 6189
6188  |  6190
MOC Pike with stylish grip
Mon, 25 Sep 2000 03:42:25 GMT
896 times
I remember there being a debate for how to make a lego pike a while back.  I
don't know if someone's come up with this idea yet, I'm too lazy to check.  So
here is my idea.  I bought me a 8511 and used some star wars pieces, and made a
pike.  Using a nail file i flattened the rounded end of the spear so it would
be stable.

And if you carve up a brown spear and flatten a second spear...

If someone already came up with this idea, I'm sorry for posting an already
thought of idea.  I would have posted real pics but I have no access to a


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC Pike with stylish grip
Now that's just darn cool. I like the "magic weapon" quality the trans-blue spear gives it. ~Mark (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to lugnet.castle)

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