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Re: Castle+Aquazone=Atlantas
lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.castle, lugnet.adventurers
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 15:57:39 GMT
120 times
XP to .castle, .adventurers

In lugnet.aquazone, Nick Cameron writes:
I was thinking about new Aquazone, Castle & Adventurer themes when I got an

Long ago castle people who wanted to keep peaceful during times of war moved
to large wet caverns on an island they called Atlantas. Somehow, they evolved
gills & infared eyesight. Then, Atlantas vanished. The Adventurers use
high-tech submarines to explore the deep ocean, when suddenly they come across
a midevil civilization, completely unknowing of all modern technolegy & are
unable to accept the fact that they stayed stupid, while the surface got • smart.
Of should I say: They will not peacefully accept it...

To make the first Aquacastle figure, I used blue pants, green torso (Like on
wisard but green), Stingray head (of course), knights hat, and Adventurers
backpack with an ax and gem. There are many better designs, but I was in a
hurry. I'll try to design some castles sometime.

That is an awesome idea!  TLG tried to combine themes with little success in
the Time Losers theme (although it provided great variety).  Maybe this is the
answer...I know I'd buy em up like mad!

Message is in Reply To:
I was thinking about new Aquazone, Castle & Adventurer themes when I got an idea: Long ago castle people who wanted to keep peaceful during times of war moved to large wet caverns on an island they called Atlantas. Somehow, they evolved gills & (...) (24 years ago, 10-Jul-00, to lugnet.aquazone)

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