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 Castle / 21413
21412  |  21414
Re: Luther Begins.
Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:47:11 GMT
8410 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, Johannes Koehler wrote:
   Out now! On screens accross The World!

GJK Arts Entertainment™ in cooperation with Jojo Pictures Productions™ proudly presents:

Luther Begins

In the year MDV (1505) Martin Luther is a Doctor of Jurisprudence. Once, more precisely on June 2nd the same year, Luther wandered from Mansfeld where his parents lived to Erfurt, home of his university at that time, and he got into a thunderstorm. While, of course, knowing that neither Zeus nor Thor are responsible for this kind of natural phenomenon he was scarred to death. So he fell onto the ground and prayed to Saint Anne, patron saint of the miners, for his father had been a miner. He swore that, would he survive this terrible thunderstorm, he would become a monk.

I never knew this part of the story, thank you.

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  Luther Begins.
Out now! On screens accross The World! GJK Arts Entertainment™ in cooperation with Jojo Pictures Productions™ proudly presents: Luther Begins In the year MDV (1505) Martin Luther is a Doctor of Jurisprudence. Once, more precisely on June 2nd the (...) (17 years ago, 31-Oct-06, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.castle, FTX) !! 

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