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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1044
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Re: Error in POV Ray
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 23:46:54 GMT
2321 times
Jeroen de Haan wrote...
I made some files and converted them in L3P with the -q3 and -lgeo switches.
I put all the LGEO .INC files in the Include folder and when I want to
render I get this error message in 2 of the 3 files:

// Train Window  1 x  2 x  3


Programma Schijf:Desktop Folder:Sysop:Archive Folder.1:t1980-01.pov:12891:
error: object expected but undeclared identifier 'lg_4035' found instead.
Reclaiming memory

Why is this? I tried it on the Macintosh and Windows version.

Lutz Uhlmann has put a construct like
   #declare lg_xxxx = ...
in all his files to avoid redefinition errors if a file is included twice.
(it is not needed by L3P because it only includes any file once)

But the has an error in line 11, it says:
which should of course be lg_4035...
(the error is also in line 8, but that's within a comment :-)

So if your model has a 4033.DAT before the 4035.DAT,
the lg_4035 is never defined and you get the above error message.

Try correcting the file, changing 4033 to 4035.
If this solves your problem, please notify Lutz Uhlmann.
If not, then I'll need to have a look at the POV file.

Also, the 9V tracks render yellows/goldish now in stead of chrome. When NOT
using the -lgeo switch it renders correct!

As Bram said, "L3P -lgeo" uses the L2P color scheme.

Message is in Reply To:
  Error in POV Ray
Hi all, I made some files and converted them in L3P with the -q3 and -lgeo switches. I put all the LGEO .INC files in the Include folder and when I want to render I get this error message in 2 of the 3 files: // Train Window 1 x 2 x 3 lg_4035 (...) (22 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad)

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