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 CAD / Development / 5521
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Re: Some thoughts..
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 23:43:58 GMT
872 times
This is a very interesting prospect.  I look forward to when this project
will come out.

Let me know when it does, or what enhancements it will bring to the LCADding


In, Tim Courtney writes:
I just got an email from an LDraw user talking about some advanced features
for the DAT format.  I referred him to Karim's Artemis study to think over,
and that got me thinking.  I just want to put this on the table.  Here,
quoted from the last page of the Artemis Project:

The immediate to long-term goals of the Artemis Project are:

a.. Begin a Community Dialog about the future directions of LCAD software.
b.. Assemble an Artemis Development Team.
c.. Determine and publish the Developers' Specifications of the Artemis
Enhanced Data (AED) file format.
d.. Determine and publish the Artemis program architecture.
e.. Determine and publish the Developers' Specifications of the Artemis
Code Extension (ACE) scripting language.
f.. Begin development of the Artemis Modeler core engines.
g.. Develop the Artemis Interface Environment, and Artemis Develoment
h.. Continuing development of Artemis functionality.

Just something to think about.  I'd really like to see this fulfilled for
the LCAD community.

Tim Courtney - - Centralized LDraw Resources - Zacktron Alliance

ICQ: 23951114 - AIM: TimCourtne

Message is in Reply To:
  Some thoughts..
I just got an email from an LDraw user talking about some advanced features for the DAT format. I referred him to Karim's Artemis study to think over, and that got me thinking. I just want to put this on the table. Here, quoted from the last page of (...) (23 years ago, 6-Nov-00, to

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