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Re: LDraw extended colors (for Paul Gyugyi)
Fri, 5 May 2000 16:25:32 GMT
1019 times
In, Lars C. Hassing writes:
Well, Paul, have you decided?

I just now noticed the thread.  (Thanks for the email).

I'll add support for the 24-bit range, it is a good idea.

I'll look into the documentation bug.  The code is correct
and I'll change the docs to match.

For the scaling, multiplying by 17 just seems to be
so "impure".  On a 16 bit color display, it
produces an unsightly jump in color around 0x7
(jumping by 3 levels rather than 2), but few people
will be doing shading or color gradients by having many
different-colored triangles, so I guess it is OK.

But I can see the problem: any sort of
black and white output will want to see pure white ffffff
and pure black 000000, and anything else would cause
unsightly dithering on a printer.
Luckily a sclae by 17 is just a shift and an add, so the
performance hit will not be much (maybe nothing depending on
how the code pipelines).  So I'll change the code to scale
by 17.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LDraw extended colors (for Paul Gyugyi)
Lars C. Hassing wrote in (URL) (snip) (...) Well, Paul, have you decided? (...) What do you think? /Lars (24 years ago, 27-Apr-00, to

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