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Re: LDraw extended colors
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:32:48 GMT
439 times
I would if I could, but it's hard for me to imagine how this can be supported by LDS...


"Lars C. Hassing" wrote:

The LDraw colors are 0-15, 32-47, 256-511 (and of course 16 and 24).
Paul Gyugyi defined some more colors for LDLite, 17-23, 25, 57
and "Direct Colors" in the range 0x04000000-0x07FFFFFF.

As MLCad supports these colors, I'm going to add support for them too.

However, Gyugyi packed two RGB's (for dithering) into each Direct Color
leaving only 12 bits to each RGB, e.g. 0x04RGBRGB.
Some L3P and L3Lab users have asked for the possibility to specify
"true colors" (24 bit RGB's), so I would like to define/reserve the range
0x02000000-0x03FFFFFF for this.
0x02RRGGBB for solid colors and 0x03RRGGBB for transparent.

I will support, but not require, hex notation for colors (0x/0X prefix).

I hope MLCad, LDLite and other tools will support the new range too.

Message is in Reply To:
  LDraw extended colors
The LDraw colors are 0-15, 32-47, 256-511 (and of course 16 and 24). Paul Gyugyi defined some more colors for LDLite, 17-23, 25, 57 and "Direct Colors" in the range 0x04000000-0x07FFFFFF. As MLCad supports these colors, I'm going to add support for (...) (24 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to

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