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number notation in official parts
Mon, 8 Mar 2010 21:15:13 GMT
21975 times
If I rotate a part in LDDP the result may look like this:

1 16 4E-15 4 -20 0 0 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 stud4.dat

This can be read by LDView and MLCad as a valid number.
Is such notation allowed in official parts? It is nowhere explicit allowed or
disallowed. The value 4E-15 is surely very small, but it could also be 4E-2 for
I just want to know how to deal with such numbers in DATHeader.


Message has 4 Replies:
  Re: number notation in official parts
(...) Such notation is not noted in any specs.. neither allowed or forbidden. At least, I can't find such. Maybe we should bring this up at LSC at some point? -Santeri (14 years ago, 9-Mar-10, to
  Re: number notation in official parts
(...) Such notation is not noted in any specs.. neither allowed or forbidden. At least, I can't find such. Maybe we should bring this up at LSC at some point? (FWIW I sent this in yesterday but it seems the server ate the message.. resending it) (...) (14 years ago, 9-Mar-10, to
  Re: number notation in official parts
(...) My suggestion would be to read numbers in that notation but never write them. I'm not sure why LDDP would write them that way (it would require some strange output routines) but if one thing writes them then it's best to read them. Tim (14 years ago, 11-Mar-10, to
  Re: number notation in official parts
(...) Hmm, I thought I killed that "feature". I'll look into it as I find time to finish up LDDP 2.1 -Orion (14 years ago, 11-Mar-10, to

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