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 CAD / Development / 11016
11015  |  11017
reference for program author
Mon, 5 Oct 2009 21:00:03 GMT
16322 times
Many times during developing DATHeader I had questions that I tried to solve by
searching in LUGNET posts and reading the documentation on
Often I had to make my own decision how to handle that problem.
For example:
Reading files with different line terminations?
Which line termination for writing files?
Is the folder 'parts' the same as 'PARTS'?
Where is the information for the LDraw base directory?

It would be great also for the future to have a guideline where such questions
would be answered. I am sure that such a document will grow huge, but also there
are many questions that has to be answered.
Such a documentation would help new users to implement their ideas into the
current system. And that should be our goal - to have a system of tools that
work perfect together.

Does anybody else has the same wish like me?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: reference for program author
In, Michael Heidemann wrote: -- snip -- (...) That sounds like a perfect task for somewhere on the wiki. That way information can be kept up-to-date whenever new discussions take place. (URL) created a quick article start for people (...) (15 years ago, 6-Oct-09, to

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