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 CAD / LDraw Files / Parts / 4995
4994  |  4996
Re: Why is the Thickness of Liftarms changing?
Thu, 1 Jan 2004 16:41:19 GMT
4346 times
In, Paul Easter wrote:
   This part is on the Part Tracker;

The 32278 I have has a thickness of .0309” which is approximately 19.77LDU. Why • are several of these liftarms getting changed to 18LDU?


Liftarms are narrower than bricks, you don’t even need a caliper to see it :

...and measured with a caliper :
  • brick width: 7.8mm
  • liftarm width: 7.4mm
  • liftarm height: 7.8mm
As stud space = 8mm = 20ldu, we get liftarm width = 7.4/8*20 = 18.5ldu, approximated to 18 ldu.

Of course, thick liftarm height remain 20 ldu.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Why is the Thickness of Liftarms changing?
(...) Thank you for this illustration. I see your point. These parts should have been originally modeled rotated 90 degrees around Z so that the liftarm "thickness" would have been the same a brick "width". I think I can safely say that I have (...) (20 years ago, 1-Jan-04, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Why is the Thickness of Liftarms changing?
This part is on the Part Tracker; (URL) 32278 I have has a thickness of .0309" which is approximately 19.77LDU. Why are several of these liftarms getting changed to 18LDU? Paul (20 years ago, 31-Dec-03, to

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