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Problem with Primitive Generator
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 15:08:24 GMT
1886 times
...actually the problem is not specific to PrimGen (btw, thanks Paul for this
great tool!) but appears when some rounded primitive meet a straight surface:
conditional lines at the edges of these primitives appear when they shouldn't.

See The right side
shows a 1-4cone24 and the unwanted line, the left side is a 1-4cyli (official
primitive) that behaves correctly.

The origin of this issue is obvious here:, the control point
of the cylinder matches the flat surface, while the cone control point matches
the next section of a cone.

Note that the problem is not specific to cones, it also happens with toruses
( A 1-4cyli
created with PrimGen also shows this behavior.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Problem with Primitive Generator
(...) I think a solution that mostly works was invented around this time frame: (URL) of using cylinder primitives with an optional line at one end that expects to be mated with a similar cylinder primitive, you use optional lines at both ends that (...) (17 years ago, 26-Sep-07, to lugnet.cad)

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