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LDView on USB Key drives
Sun, 10 Jun 2007 04:49:59 GMT
2063 times
One feature that’s not mentioned in the help file, the change history file, or the previous post is (Windows-only) support for running LDView off of removable media (like a USB key). This feature has had very little testing, and has some known problems, but if anyone would like to try it out, I’d like to get feedback.

When LDView detects that LDView.exe is on a removable drive, it stops storing settings in the Windows registry. Instead, it creates a file named LDView.ini in the same directory where LDView.exe is located. Additionally, if the LDraw directory is located either inside the directory that contains LDView.exe or the parent directory, it will be used. For example, both of the following LDraw directories will be found:




(As a note, this change will work with the LDraw directory on fixed disks also. It was added to make life easier for removable storage, but unlike the LDraw.ini change it happens whether or not LDView.exe is run from removable storage.)

Right now, those are the only places that you can reasonably put the LDraw directory. If you put it anywhere else, the drive letter will be stored in LDraw.ini along with the path, meaning that unless your removable drive gets the same drive letter assigned on every computer you use it on, you’ll be asked for the location of the LDRAW directory every time you run LDView on a new machine. Hopefully before the official LDView 3.2 release I’ll correct this problem.


Message is in Reply To:
  *** LDView Version 3.2 Beta 1 Released ***
LDView 3.2 Beta 1 is now available for download from the LDView downloads page here: (URL) This is a Beta release, which means that I’m hoping to get as much feedback as possible. This also means that it is likely not as stable as a final release, (...) (17 years ago, 9-Jun-07, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, FTX)

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