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 Building / Vignette / 664
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Re: Brokeback Mountain Vignette
Fri, 3 Feb 2006 01:31:23 GMT
3332 times
In, Richie Dulin wrote:
   As the tag line says: Love is a force of nature.

In honour of our(1) Heath’s nomination for an Oscar (r), I decided to build a vig of a scene from Brokeback Mountain.

For those of you who are confused by this film it is the story of two homosexual cowboys that fall in love drift apart and enter into other heterosexual relationships (also known as being on the “down-low”) before drifting back together. This movie has generated some controversy to the point that several theaters refused to show the film. I hope this does not rehash the big debate over topics and beliefs. Nice Vig


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brokeback Mountain Vignette
(...) Well, don't I feel like a fool for suggesting it be made 'more explicit'? Not that I object to gay cowboys or anything. I'm sure cowboy love is a beautiful thing, and doesn't involve whips or spurs or fried beans in any way. Anyway, thanks for (...) (18 years ago, 3-Feb-06, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Brokeback Mountain Vignette
As the tag line says: Love is a force of nature. In honour of our(1) Heath's nomination for an Oscar (r), I decided to build a vig of a scene from Brokeback Mountain. (URL) It’s a powerful and moving love story, and the performances of the lead (...) (18 years ago, 2-Feb-06, to, lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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