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Joe Vig: 'In the media...' (my first vignette/Joe Vig)
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 13:58:56 GMT
!! (details)
3127 times
Hello all, here is my first vignette and my first Joe Vig ;)

I hope you like him...

“Oh no!” Joe has been a naughty boy! He is about to get caught red handed when he leaves the bookstore (Books R’ Us) and is targeted by police, as the staff have been informed that Joe Vig has been changing (swapping) dust jackets (book covers) on various books in order to get them cheaper! :O

He has been selling his books on auction sites like eWay and making stacks of cash! His biggest sellers are by writers such as William Shakespear and other titles such as ‘The Black Swan’ and ‘Only the tip of the Iceberg’...

But Joe has news for them... ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’ ;)

Have fun ;)


(hopefully the pics will be moderated soon)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Joe Vig: 'In the media...' (my first vignette/Joe Vig)
In, Melody Brown wrote: Snip (...) First, please let me say that this is a very nice Vignette! I really like the shelving and the cart that Joe Vig is using. However, without your narration, the viewer would have no idea of (...) (18 years ago, 16-Jan-06, to, FTX)

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