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Re: Joe Vig Contest Entry - Joe and Jonesy
Tue, 19 Jul 2005 17:52:11 GMT
2959 times
In, Timothy Gould wrote:

Hi Tony,

You’ve really captured the ‘unfolding’ motion of the Alien (or should it be Xenomorph for this film?) brilliantly. Its by far the best minifig scale Alien I’ve seen.

Wow, thanks! When I was getting ready to build the alien, I looked all around lugnet for ideas... I knew I had seen some done before. But if you search on lugnet for “Alien”, you find a lot of other stuff not related to the movie. After I built the vig, I thought to search on “colonial marines”, and then I found a number of Alien movie creations.

   I don’t fancy being in Joe’s shoes at all.

Heh, I hear you there!

   Tony Hafner

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Joe Vig Contest Entry - Joe and Jonesy
--SNIP-- Hi Tony, You've really captured the 'unfolding' motion of the Alien (or should it be Xenomorph for this film?) brilliantly. Its by far the best minifig scale Alien I've seen. I don't fancy being in Joe's shoes at all. Your, Tim (19 years ago, 17-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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