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 Building / Vignette / 3
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Vignette group!
Thu, 3 Mar 2005 21:46:38 GMT
3468 times
Hi all,

Woohoo! First to post!

First up, I’d like to thank Nelson Yrizarry for pushing for this group, and Todd, Lar, insert responsible admin’s name here, for agreeing to it.

As the first person here, I feel like I’ve got the job of greeter by default. Welcome to .build.vignette! I actually feel a little bit responsible for this fad in the English-language part of the LEGOverse. Last September, I noticed similar building styles by three Japanese builders on Brickshelf: Makato (who has since disappeared from Brickshelf), Sugegasa and Yuriko Hanai. Shortly thereafter, I posted a few vignettes of my own. Other Classic-Castle members liked the idea and made some as well, then I started seeing them on FBTB and here on Lugnet. Classic-Castle recently held a contest, and Castle Vignettes was by far the most popular category, with 57 entries by 38 different builders. So anyway, it feels like this style of building has caught on.

What is a vignette? As I see it, these are small scenes built on 6x6 or 8x8 bases. The best vignettes capture a slice of life, and tell a small story in a scene, often with a sense of humor. The small size both encourages creativity and makes it possible for people with small collections to be on the same playing field as those with very large collections. These tend to be fairly quick builds--as opposed to some large train layout, capital ship, or full-scale castle--so the emphasis (IMO) is on fun.

Anyway, this post is by no means official, but unofficially, welcome to vignettes!

Leg godt!


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