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 Building / Vignette / 292
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Re: New Vignettes (Hang on to your bricks!!)
Mon, 6 Jun 2005 08:59:48 GMT
1701 times
In, Nelson Yrizarry wrote:

   Using a small, wind-up motor from set # 3429, I wanted to give some motion to a vignette MOC. Just wind up the motor, and the windmill blades provide a challenging shot. It came out not too bad, I think... at least it makes for an interesting conversation piece. I have a movie file of this vignette in action, but unfortunately, Brickshelf has temporarily suspended such files. Oh, well.

Heh, I’ve been trying to use MY wind up motor from 4093 for something cool myself! I even have it sitting on my bedside table! I hope I’ll get a cool idea for it sometime.

Anyways, looking forward to seeing the modded folders :-)

   Anyway, I am not sure what to call this. Perhaps, a “Movig” (moving vignette)? or an “Anivig” (Animated Vignette)? or maybe a “VIM” (Vignette in Motion)? If you can think of a good name or acronym, let’s hear it!

I like movig.


Message is in Reply To:
  New Vignettes (Hang on to your bricks!!)
I haven't posted anything in a little while, so here we go: First, here is a new Joe Vig vignette, "Distracted". No, this is not a (URL) contest> entry - I'm ineligible. (URL) (Click for gallery, once moderated) Okay, Now, hang on to your bricks.... (...) (19 years ago, 6-Jun-05, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 

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