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Re: Joe Vig! Keep on Truckin'
Sun, 1 May 2005 04:27:16 GMT
1765 times
   I recall the guy who was bald and had a long, white beard. There must have been several variations on the theme. Still, nicely done... er, Far out!

Hey “Big Daddy” Yup, there were a series of dudes Truckin’ around in the comics. I got a couple of the early issues of Zap when I was in Junior High from a “burn-out” I knew and they were just too far out man! That image just stuck with me thru the years. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

The whole Vignette thing has really been great fun and the Joe Vig vignettes are specifically enjoyable. There are some really talented and creative people contributing to the newsgroup. I would like to personally thank you for implementing this newsgroup and also compliment you on your work to spearhead the whole project.

Keep on Viggin’, Brian Darrow

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  Re: Joe Vig! Keep on Truckin'
(...) I recall the guy who was bald and had a long, white beard. There must have been several variations on the theme. Still, nicely done... er, Far out! Keep on Truckin' ! (and Keep on Viggin' !) "Big Daddy" Nelson (P.S: This has been a great (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-05, to, FTX)

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