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Re: Joe Vig! Keep on Truckin'
Sun, 1 May 2005 03:08:31 GMT
1434 times
In, Brian Darrow wrote:
   Anybody old enough to remember Zap Comics from the late 1960’s? Joe Vig just wanted to “Keep on Truckin’ ” with his hippie buddies but a banana is about to harsh his buzz!

and the file once moderated:

Brian Darrow

I recall the guy who was bald and had a long, white beard. There must have been several variations on the theme. Still, nicely done... er, Far out!

Keep on Truckin’ ! (and Keep on Viggin’ !)
“Big Daddy” Nelson

(P.S: This has been a great weekend for Joe Vigs!)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Joe Vig! Keep on Truckin'
(...) Hey "Big Daddy" Yup, there were a series of dudes Truckin' around in the comics. I got a couple of the early issues of Zap when I was in Junior High from a "burn-out" I knew and they were just too far out man! That image just stuck with me (...) (19 years ago, 1-May-05, to, FTX)

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  Joe Vig! Keep on Truckin'
Anybody old enough to remember Zap Comics from the late 1960's? Joe Vig just wanted to "Keep on Truckin' " with his hippie buddies but a banana is about to harsh his buzz! (URL) the file once moderated: (URL) Darrow (19 years ago, 1-May-05, to ! 

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