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 Building / Mosaics / 399
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Re: Motorcycle Mosaic
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 17:50:04 GMT
7312 times
In, Bryan Wong wrote:
   In, Bryan Wong wrote:
   In lugnet.announce.moc, Bill Vollbrecht wrote:
   The only thing that sucked about it is the same thing as my above posted PT-109, is that is uses a lot of old light grey! But I suppose that is the hazzard of making and selling Lego sculptures, I have to see large parts of my collections going out the door never to return!

That’s an interesting new take on the whole mosaic idea!

If you value your old grey so much (don’t we all), why not make your commissioned sculptures out of new grey?

Responding to my own thread to keep the clutter to a minimum...

How thick is the model? It appears to be only a few studs deep (maybe 4 studs at most), but the various shades of grey give the model much more depth and makes it really look like a 3-dimensional model as opposed to being a “flat” mosaic.


Hey Bryan,

The whole mosaic in only 2 studs wide. Every Mosaic I have ever done has been the same. In the past all my mosaics are unglued with a glued frame around to keep all the bricks in place. I was going to do the same with this and the Cement Mixer I built as well. But, the Mom had concerns of her 4 year old tearing it off the wall. After I met the kid, I could see why see was concerned! Nice kid, but a LOT of energy and, lets say, strong willed...

So I glued every brick, plus mounting it to the wall in several spots using drywall anchors. It must of done the trick, because it has been aa month since installation and I haven’t gotten any calls to fix anything yet!

Thaks for the comments on the 3Dness of it. If I were to do it over again, I would probably use a bit more white on the chrome areas for some more “shine”.



Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Motorcycle Mosaic
(...) Responding to my own thread to keep the clutter to a minimum... How thick is the model? It appears to be only a few studs deep (maybe 4 studs at most), but the various shades of grey give the model much more depth and makes it really look like (...) (19 years ago, 18-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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