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 Building / Mosaics / 396
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Re: Motorcycle Mosaic
Thu, 18 Aug 2005 17:05:43 GMT
7170 times
In, Bryan Wong wrote:
   In lugnet.announce.moc, Bill Vollbrecht wrote:
   The only thing that sucked about it is the same thing as my above posted PT-109, is that is uses a lot of old light grey! But I suppose that is the hazzard of making and selling Lego sculptures, I have to see large parts of my collections going out the door never to return!

That’s an interesting new take on the whole mosaic idea!

If you value your old grey so much (don’t we all), why not make your commissioned sculptures out of new grey?


Hey Bryan,

I am eventually going to switch over to the new colors. All the new bricks in the the new colors I have gotten, I have been squirrling away. Not nearly enough yet to do a full on switch. Probably when or Legoland Pick-a-brick has the new colors available in bulk, I will switch over.

I was never one to be all that bothered by the color change (although I can see how it has affected many...). I just have never built much with the greys. A bit more brown perhaps, but I had a good stock pile of that. Now, if they ever get rid of tan, then I will be feeling pain!



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  Re: Motorcycle Mosaic
(...) That's an interesting new take on the whole mosaic idea! If you value your old grey so much (don't we all), why not make your commissioned sculptures out of new grey? -Bryan (19 years ago, 17-Aug-05, to, FTX)

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