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 Building / Micro-scale / 573
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Grand Central Station and 2 wide trains
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains,
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:09:14 GMT
! (details)
5381 times
I finally unpacked (and had to partially rebuild :( ), the micro-scale station I displayed on Brickfest. I made some pictures, including many of the back or the station, because that part was hard to see because of its position against the wall.

For more pictures of the station and the back (hardbor, Maersk mini ship, (nude?)-beach and fishermen, and a trainshed click on the above picture.

The 2-wide trains (including a TGV, Jake’s Enines, Koploper, Steamengine, adn a microscale of my own high speed train) can be found by clicking on the picture below:


COLTC member, Lego Ambassador

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Grand Central Station and 2 wide trains
(...) Hey Paul, Is that based on Centraal station in Amsterdam? Either way, it looks great. It is hard to believe it's Micro-scale! Good work! Bill (19 years ago, 13-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains, FTX)
  Re: Grand Central Station and 2 wide trains
(...) That is very cool. By the way, I will **** a brick if anyone figures out a way to motorize 2-wide trains on LEGO 12v track :) Chris By the way, I was thinking of the every so slightly more exceptable 4 letter word for **** a brick :) (19 years ago, 14-Mar-05, to lugnet.trains)

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