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 Building / Mecha / resources

’How To’s’ and Building Tips

Curator’s note

If you are new to building Bots, Mecha and Robotics, and or your are just looking to expand
on your current building principles, consider posting a question or start a discussion on
the particular joint tech or frame building you would like to explore.

Check out the Mecha Newsgroup User Guide for more ideas and tips.
Additionally, the curators of this newsgroup are ready to help develope new types of
informational Bots, Mecha and Robotics resources, so please by all means post your ideas
and or questions.

Creating a building resource for this genre can only come from you;
the builders. We all contribute to the ever growing knowledge base by means of sheer
creativity and willingness to share. Many helpful and natural construction solutions have
been used then improved upon by many LEGO Fans as well as the lessons presented and learned
in real LEGO sets.

Welcome to the world of build what you want. If you get a bit stuck, just see how others
solved similar construction challenges. Or just invent your own!

Remember, this newsgroup’s title “Mecha” is just a name sake for the realm of robots.
So just go for it! Don’t limit yourself, nobody around here made any rules for building.
Isn’t that the best part of about LEGO? Yet we can still utilize proven ideas and techniques
to make something new. (by: Eric Sophie)

What constitutes a mecha creation?
Mecha can take all shapes and forms and can cross over into many themes.
Anthony Sava’s Dragons
Marc Nelson’s Ogre
Jeff Ranjo’s Adam
Rick Kujawa’s Cobba Spider Mecha
Stuart Immomen’s Lola
Mark Neumann’s Mech Support Rig
Bryce McGlone’s Legorilla
Quite honestly, mecha crosses over into other themes so easily,
you might think you are looking at a space, castle, or town creation.
by Dave Johaan

Building Information


Complete Building Instructions eBook by: Klaupacius

  More instructions!
(2 URLs) > Hello, based on the (URL) Sewer Rats> by Flickr user (URL) -Taylor-> my son Sandro built this variation in real life. Together we created the MLCad model today. Afterwards I did the render and made the instructions with LPub. I like this (...) (15 years ago, 18-Jan-09, to, lugnet.cad, FTX)

  Make a Mecha
Hello Mecha folk. I made this design some time ago. (URL) Now I've made a newer version with instructions: (URL) Since then I've put the swat team in a display and taken them to a few events. I am constantly hounded for instructions. I made a newer (...) (15 years ago, 15-Dec-08, to, FTX) ! 

  Little Blue Thing - Building Instructions!
(2 URLs) The Litttle Blue Thing> Building Instructions Make your own and send a picture to mylegomaster at aol dot com and I will add your version to the LBT-by-YOU gallery. Easy to build give it a try! If any one from the CAD community would like (...) (15 years ago, 8-Dec-08, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.inst,,, FTX)  

  Still depressed about MB Zaku?
(URL) Since MB decided to release a Zaku alongside their Gundam it seemed grossly unfair that Lego purists shouldn't have the same opportunity to wage mecha wars. So, to complement the (URL) Gundam> you can use these instructions for Soren's (URL) (...) (17 years ago, 14-Feb-07, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 

Need more tips on building?

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