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 Building / Mecha / 12455
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Teknomeka Instructions
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 16:00:16 GMT
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7813 times

This winter I took on the gigantic project of building a new mecha and creating complete assembly instructions for it.

I’ve had many requests for instructions over the years, but never considered making them to be technically practical for models with nearly 4000 parts. After writing some custom code and experimenting with PDF files, I managed to make it practical enough to proceed.

The mecha itself is an evolution of my Gundam designs, re-engineered from the ankles up for improved stability. At the same time I carefully selected parts that weren’t rare or unobtainable, so that the model could be built by others. Inherent in the new design is also the ability to apply skins over the inner skeleton for easy customization.

In making the instructions practical to generate, I also made them easy to follow. The complexity of this mecha, gear controlled joints and all, has been converted into steps that people of all age levels and building experience can readily absorb. Builder’s comments sprinkled around also provide hints on technique and technology. All secrets are revealed.

I put a lot of energy into this to create a finished product that would inspire mecha fans to get into Lego building. A 28 inch tall gear controlled mecha model? You can’t buy anything like that at a model shop. But now you can build one yourself, customized to your own style.


ps. I was originally inspired to make a “product” years ago by Sun Yun’s FoundryDX project. So thanks to him for being a pioneer.

Also big thanks to my beta testers Mr Sophie and Mr Neumann for their excellent constructive feedback.

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Teknomeka Instructions
(URL) Congrats on this outstanding set of instructions! When I first put the shiny new Teknomeka CD in my computer, I read with glee the begining pages and then began the steady arrow key as the instructions became like a movie, watching the (...) (20 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  Re: Teknomeka Instructions
Hey K, Holy freakin' cow, Batman! Gigantic project, indeed! You're taunting me with an undeniable excuse to tear down my Gunstar so I can build this bada** baby! I'll be ordering a CD shortly and am really looking forward to turning my worktable (...) (20 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to
  Re: Teknomeka Instructions
(...) Wow Brian! This is absolutely impressive work! I haven't been on these forums in some time but this level of execution definitely requires me to come out of the woodwork. You're a brave man to put together an instruction set for a 4000 piece (...) (20 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Teknomeka Instructions
(...) Unbelievable! Your gundams really blew my socks off when I first started looking around Lugnet...I remember examining your joint tech for gundams 01 and 02, always wondering how everything fit together... Now I have the opportunity to see (...) (20 years ago, 9-Mar-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Teknomeka Instructions
Do the instructions come with just one set skin pattern or is there a selection? I fell in love with the Classic Gundame look and I'd love to be able to recreate it. (20 years ago, 29-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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