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Re: Worm Gear Problem
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic
Thu, 22 Dec 2005 19:21:52 GMT
3381 times
In, danny staple wrote:

   Hi Eric, I actually intended that the inherent backlash in the z16s was exploited to turn them in a little after the positioning. You could replace my z16s with two z24s and a z8, making one of the z24s a clutch gear so you could turn them against each other. Either way - you can do the positioning by just turning one of the gears - which saves the hassle which bryce described.

A very interesting trick, Danny. Here is my implementation of your no-backlash transmission:

Of course there is a trade-off between backlash and friction, but your design allows easy trimming.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Worm Gear Problem
(...) Hi Eric, I actually intended that the inherent backlash in the z16s was exploited to turn them in a little after the positioning. You could replace my z16s with two z24s and a z8, making one of the z24s a clutch gear so you could turn them (...) (18 years ago, 22-Dec-05, to, lugnet.technic)

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