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 Building / Mecha / 13616
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Re: Worm Gear Problem
Wed, 21 Dec 2005 04:35:49 GMT
1430 times
In, Brayton Orchard wrote:
   Would someone care to tell me how to take the slack out of wormgear joints? I love their strenth but hate the wobble. Anything you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.


The backlash (spacing between the teeth of a gear and the splines on the worm gear) is difficult to over come.

There are some techniques to reduce the effect.

1. Use Technic Throwbot Gear Boxes and use a z40 in the set up.
2. Use a compund system. Worm Gear to z24, axle, z8 to z40 then bind the beam
to the z40 with Technic half axle pins.
3. Use levers and shock absorbers to act as tendons and muscles that suround
the gear set up.
4. Use a premade worm box.

The worm gears have a small amount of slack (different from backlash) so the gear can rotate freely on an axle between bushings.

The backlash present in the worm gears translates to a wobble in the Mech’s joints. I counter this by torquing the limbs, say, the legs, against eachother.

Meaning, if one leg is forward, and the other leg is pitched back, slowly adjust the gears (tune or turn the drive axle) until you feel the weight begin to shift. Counter the Mech’s weight by turning the opposite leg’s worm gear until it begins to push the weight of the Mech. At this point the Mech will begin to balance and you will feel the tension of the opposite leg.

So using the limbs themselves to counter the backlash against eachother, is another technique.

Hope that helps.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Worm Gear Problem
Thanks a lot Eric. That'll do just fine. -Brayton (18 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Worm Gear Problem
Would someone care to tell me how to take the slack out of wormgear joints? I love their strenth but hate the wobble. Anything you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks. -Brayton (18 years ago, 21-Dec-05, to

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