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Re: The Brick Testament - David Makes New Friends
Fri, 23 Nov 2007 23:05:23 GMT
17694 times
Going back to try and cover the stories I missed:

David Acts Insane - I really like the wall behind the Philistine king’s throne. The “drool” is funny as a LEGO joke, though I’m not sure if it’s effective just looking at it as a depiction of the scene. On the cave, I guess I’d rather see the whole thing as brick built rather than half of raised baseplates and half of bricks.

People of Nob Massacred - There’s just something inherently funny about the crowd of priests in their purple turbans. Some good violence depiction here, like the trick with slicing the body in half here and the line of blood down the wall here. Any reason why Doeg switches from two cutlasses to one cutlass and one broadsword?

David Attacks the Philistines - I particularly like this scene. That’s a simple but effective fire. In the battle scene, what is that battle axe in the upper left? Is it an official piece? Having already read later chapters, I appreciate that you’ve got Joab prominently featured from the start.

David’s Strong Men - Some good carnage scenes here, especially Abishai’s pile of bodies. The yellow flags as barley is a clever idea and very effective. The flower stems for the next field also works well. What is that mace that Benaiah is using? Poor lion - first he gets stuck in a cistern, then some crazy guy jumps in to fight him. I’m not sure about the flowers as snow - they seem like flowers to me. Also, how did you do the spear through the body in the last scene? The trick on the arm posing in that scene works really well and looks dynamic.

David Asks for a Drink, Refuses It - Interesting gate here. I like the variation from plate to brick on the underside of the arch, and the pairing of the two different types of arches is something I hadn’t seen before. That wheel makes a good well, and the pouring out of the water is very effective.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - David Makes New Friends
(...) Awesome. (...) Thanks. Obviously I've tried to give the Philistines a consistent look in their architecture (or at least in their color schemes and decoration), working that lovely patterned arch into as many of the Philistine buildings as (...) (16 years ago, 29-Nov-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Brick Testament - David Makes New Friends
(URL) The Brick Testament> has been updated today with six new illustrated stories from the continuing saga of (URL) David vs Saul>. (2 URLs) to view the new stories)> (NOTE: For anyone unfamiliar with The Brick Testament or the Bible, please take (...) (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) ! 

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