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Re: The Brick Testament - David loses a new son, gains a new hat
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 19:54:13 GMT
20916 times
Hey Brendan,

Trying to get caught up.

Eye gouger - Interesting throne for Hanun; there are some pieces I don’t recognize there. The shaved beards work well (brasso or photoshop?).

Aramaens - Some good action shots as always. My favorite image here is probably David’s army crossing the river. Return of the chariot design - I don’t think we’ve seen that since the Exodus story.

Ammonites - Good contrast in the first shot with the flowers and butterflies etc and then the army off to war. The fortress in the last shot is very imposing. The combination of those printed slopes with the printed (or I guess those are stickered bricks) wall works well.

Adultery, Murder - The wall detail with Jar-Jar heads is outstanding. How are those attached? Is the second image one photo, or a combination? Either way it works very well. Her 1x1 rounds are hilarious. How are her legs held on? I’m guessing technic half-pins, but don’t see the little edge. I like the zig-zag wall detail in David’s room a lot. I’d be concerned if I were him about that bedframe falling down on me. Great use of the snake. Poor Uriah, in that sea of yellow smileys he’s such an obvious target.

God kills - I really like your cradle solution. Why does baby sleep naked, but when he’s dead they clothe him?

Solomon - No real comments here.

Rabbah - Inconsistency alert - back in the eye gouger story the crown didn’t have that jewel piece. Funny detail that Uriah is still lying dead in front of the gate. The upside-down raised baseplate works well here.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Brick Testament - David loses a new son, gains a new hat
(...) Nice. :) Of course, I'm updating with 9 new stories today, so there goes your hard-fought progress. (...) I'd guess it's actually just two instances of one new piece you don't recognize. That throne is built around the odd piece I used as the (...) (16 years ago, 26-Apr-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - David loses a new son, gains a new hat
(...) Hey, Bruce. Just happened to come across the weird pieces I used for (URL) throne> while browsing Bricklink. I had said it was a single piece, but I think I didn't realize they separate into two distinct elements: (4 URLs) "Soccer Goalie Stick (...) (16 years ago, 10-Jul-08, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Brick Testament - David loses a new son, gains a new hat
(URL) The Brick Testament>'s first update of 2008 includes seven new illustrated stories from the continuing saga of (URL) King David>: (URL) Mourns the Eye-Gouger>, (URL) Aramaeans Killed>, (URL) of the Ammonites>, (URL) Commits Adultery, Murder>, (...) (16 years ago, 10-Jan-08, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) ! 

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