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Re: Pratchett's Building
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.trains
Thu, 2 Nov 2006 22:50:20 GMT
9177 times

   I don’t do interiors on my buildings,

You’re the smart one of the two of us. It is the most painstaking process ever. I’ll probably won’t do it again soon.

   The tan/dark orange is not my favorite color combo, but that is just my taste and is really nothing compared to everything else.

Actually, I in some way stole it off of Brad Hamiltons excellent Capitalist Pig Reeducation Center, replacing the red with dark orange. Indeed it is a matter of taste and I appreciate the fact that you can still like it.

   Did you condsider a revolving door for street level?

That’s such a door going round and round and round and... sorry I got a bit dizzy there..., right? I never thought a second about it, probably somewhat because of the doors that I did use, which I just got in a Bricklink order and fancied quite a lot. It is a good idea though!

Thank you very much for the comments!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Pratchett's Building
(...) Goodness me, that is wonderful! I just love the 'iron work' fences and though I don't do interiors on my buildings, those here are just fabulous. Excellent elevator! Love the smoothness of most areas too! The tan/dark orange is not my favorite (...) (17 years ago, 2-Nov-06, to,,, lugnet.trains, FTX)

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