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Imperial Voidfighter (FBTB Contest Entry)
lugnet.starwars,, lugnet.announce.moc
Mon, 5 Dec 2005 07:53:51 GMT
! (details)
1611 times
I actually finished this moc a few days ago, and although the contest at FBTB technically ended a few days ago, voting hasn’t begun yet. Figured it was time to finally post this around.

Brickshelf or Mocpages

My goal from the start was a very distinct Imperial look. Without the TIE cockpit (as specified in the ship description,) what other ships does the Empire utilize? The one that eventually stuck out to me was the Lambda shuttle from Return of the Jedi, and its precursor seen in Revenge of the Sith earlier this year.

I talk more about the build process on the Mocpage, but those of you who are purely visual may appreciate the construction gallery.

The debate continues over whether or not the wings are too bulky (I’m still sitting on the fence (about my own moc, even!)), but I’m pretty pleased with how it came out.

I would definitely appreciate some feedback, particularly on suggestions on how you guys would improve it. I’m hoping to perhaps integrate the landing gear into the wings, for one thing. The contest may be over, but I want to hold onto this moc for a while, so improvements are necessary.

Thanks for reading,

-The Chief

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