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 Announcements / Search Results: matherette
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  First entries for Midnight MOCkery are posted - Still time to enter!
The first 6 entries for this Halloween competition have been recieved and posted on the site. Please show your appreciation of everybody's efforts so far by going and having a look at them here: (URL) are still 3 weeks to get your entry in, for a (...) (22 years ago, 9-Oct-02, to lugnet.announce) ! 

(score: 0.256)

  New Contest: The Second Annual Midnight MOCkery - With Prizes!
This year's Midnight MOCkery, the Gothic themed building contest for Halloween, is now open for entries. For more information see here: (URL) year Matherette ran the 1st Annual Midnight MOCkery, but she does not seem to be running an event this (...) (22 years ago, 24-Sep-02, to lugnet.announce) ! 

(score: 0.255)

  The End
The winners are posted! (URL) everyone who entered, I had a great time seeing what you came up with. Next year I will do the same contest, with updated rules and better prizes... So keep your minds open and remember to step outside your normal (...) (22 years ago, 31-Oct-01, to lugnet.announce, !! 

(score: 0.227)

  The end is nigh for Midnight MOCkery
Hello all! I am so happy with the turn out for the contest! A great big thank you to those of you who have entered so far. And a super big PLEASE to those of you who have thought about it, but still haven't entered. The contest ends this Sunday at (...) (23 years ago, 27-Oct-01, to lugnet.announce,  

(score: 0.225)

  Midnight MOCkery
Perhaps it is my fault for not knowing the correct way to promote a contest, but I have to say I was expecting more entries... If I get ten more entries I will add in an OVER ALL winner and the prize for that will be Hagrid's Hut, that is in (...) (23 years ago, 20-Oct-01, to lugnet.announce, !! 

(score: 0.225)

  Midnight MOCkery Contest
Midnight MOCkery is a building contest open to anyone who would like to answer the question; what would “gothic” LEGO look like? I feel that this contest will point some builders in new directions creatively. And what better time to try it than now (...) (23 years ago, 22-Sep-01, to lugnet.announce, !! 

(score: 0.222)

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