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*** LDView Version 4.0 Beta 1 Released ***
lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad
Tue, 2 Dec 2008 22:16:31 GMT
! (details)
23401 times
LDView 4.0 Beta 1 is now available for download from the LDView downloads page here:

This is a Beta release, which means that I’m hoping to get as much feedback as possible. This also means that it is likely not as stable as a final release, so you probably don’t want to try it out if you absolutely hate using buggy software.

Some notable changes:
  • Basic support for steps. (Basic means that rotations and buffer exchanges aren’t supported.)
  • POV export support (including LGEO support with separate XML file*).
  • MPD sub-model selection.
  • Model tree view.
  • SMP-aware for conditional edges and sorted transparency.
  • Native Cocoa version for Mac.
* LGEO exports require you to download the following file (which will be included in the final release):

Put the file in the same directory as your LDView executable, and make sure to check the “Use XML mapping file” option in the POV export options. This will only work with the latest version of LGEO, although I can provide an XML mapping file that works with older LGEO versions if there is a demand.

Please see the full change history here.

Please send any bugs, suggestions, or other feedback to As mentioned above, the main reason for this release is to get feedback so that the official release will be as high-quality as possible.

--Travis Cobbs (

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: *** LDView Version 4.0 Beta 1 Released ***
(...) ... (...) This is a big update. I heartily recommend you give it a try, especially if you are working with LPub or using a Mac (or both). Travis has made some great additions to the program. Jim (15 years ago, 2-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad,, FTX)
  Re: *** LDView Version 4.0 Beta 1 Released ***
Bravo! Thank you very much for the great improvement! Although not specifically listed, it fixed several bugs the older versions had for me. The background color chart always appeared in the background and the preferences menu never disappeared once (...) (15 years ago, 6-Dec-08, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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