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Train Layout at BrickFest™ PDX 2007 (March 30th-April 1st)
lugnet.announce,,,, lugnet.trains,
Sun, 14 Jan 2007 14:29:47 GMT
!! (details)
24679 times

BrickFest™ PDX 2007 is coming and we would like you aboard.

Let me introduce myself. My name is David VinZant - member of GPLR/PNLTC for 8
Years. I have participated in countless shows and events. LEGOLAND, CA. - 2001,
and the World Record "longest continuous LEGO® train layout" event in Seattle -
2000. Some notable MOC's: 10' TGV*, 6 wide tank car*.

I was a part of the BrickFest™ PDX 2004, and want to make 2007 even better.

So I am inviting all the train/town heads of the community. BrickFest™ is about
seeing the people and MOC's of the LEGO® community. So come expecting a meet and
greet, free form get together. A show and tell where you will be free to run
those 6, 7, 8, or 45 stud wide trains.

Also, the word on the road plates is, that the Castle folks have something big
planned. I know I don't want to be out done by a bunch of aging ruins. So lets
show those LEGO®-SCA'ers** what a modern technological society looks like.

So if your interested in joining us at BrickFest™ PDX 2007 you can register
[b]now at <>. If you plan to bring some cool train/town MOC's
drop me a email and I'll make sure there's some real estate for you. (bet you
thought i'd say "space")

Dave VinZant

**= Society for Creative Anachronism

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Train Layout at BrickFest™ PDX 2007 (March 30th-April 1st)
(...) Hey, I resent that sort of remark! I am an SCA member AND I do castles... but ... oh, wait. Nevermind. ;) (17 years ago, 15-Jan-07, to

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