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Re: Student project - "The New World"
Mon, 27 Dec 2004 20:46:23 GMT
7138 times
Also, kudos to the Michael Jackson dance-a-like at the end.

That's the active Lego builder of the group, Fredrik Rinman. :)

Just as a side note, I was inspired by the movie to give
that batch of students Lego-themed exams in their course
on computer graphics. I realized I could actually ask
anything I needed on modeling, animation and rendering,
even detailed mathematical and programming related questions,
using Lego as the only case study.

The exams are in Swedish, but they are illustrated and full
of English terms, and can be found at:

(the three files named "Tenta_2004-something" are the Lego ones)

  Stefan G

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Student project - "The New World"
(...) firetruck. Also, kudos to the Michael Jackson dance-a-like at the end. (19 years ago, 19-Dec-04, to lugnet.animation)

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