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Student project - "The New World"
Sat, 18 Dec 2004 18:19:08 GMT
7555 times
Have you ever wondered where Lego sets come from?
A few of my students did this little movie
some time ago for a computer animation project.

It's in DivX format and requires a recent DivX
codec, and the download is rather large, around
45 MB. But I think it's worth the wait.

I take no credit for the movie, I only taught the
course, supervised the students and provided some
inpiration by being a Lego enthusiast myself.

  Stefan G (#2407)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Student project - "The New World"
(...) firetruck. Also, kudos to the Michael Jackson dance-a-like at the end. (19 years ago, 19-Dec-04, to lugnet.animation)

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