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 Year / 2001 / 643
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Did WE Create Creator?
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 15:49:45 GMT
1277 times
After I thought about it for a while, I began to think "Did our complaints
start the creator line?". We asked for less juniorization, and the LEGO company
may have made the creator sets to say "The point of lego is still to build.
There is more than one way to make a car, or house, ect.." The creator sets may
be to stop kids from putting together the set and saying "Now what?" (as
mentioned in a privious message). The Creator sets come with extra pieces (or
it looks like it on the box), so the same kid who said "Now What?" will now
notice the extra pieces, and put something together to get them out of the way,
and notice that building what ever you want without instructions IS fun, and
two years later, another kid will be a happy lego mainiac, and lego will have
another $4,000. The figs may be a gimic to get kids who already dislikes lego
to say "The old sets were awful, But this new type of figure looks
interesting...". After that LEGO has another $15. When you trace it down, all
of this juinorization, and uglyfigs, lego's main goal is to get customers, and
make money!


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