Hey all,
Thought I would share my latest project here. A Lego rendition of Stephen
King's Dark Tower. I've posted it around on fbtb.net and CCC, but never got
around to doing it here. For those who have read it, I hope you like it, for
those of you who haven't, there is a condensed version to go with the pictures.
Check it out here:
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: The Brick Tower
| (...) Nice. You captured a lot of the scenes well. The grey baseplates for a backdrop seem to give it a cold overtone. Which fits for this part of the book. Jason Spears | (URL) BrickCentral> | (URL) MichLUG> (21 years ago, 14-Jun-04, to lugnet.western, FTX)
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