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 Western/Wild West / 572
571  |  573
Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 21:44:40 GMT
2791 times
Awesome! How about the rest of the town? Or is lego only releasing those 3
sets that are already on the LUGNET database?

The spring 2002 catalog lists the following sets:
6709 Tribal Chief
6762 Fort Legoredo (rerelease of 6769)
6763 Rapid River Village (rerelease of 6766)
6764 Sheriff's Lock-Up (rerelease of 6755)
6790 Bandit's Wheel Gun

I suspect that these are the only ones we will see, unless these all sell
really quickly and Lego decides it is profitable enough to rerelease more or
even get new sets.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
(...) Lol why they started to sell off the Indian ones first is mystery to me. They didn't appear to me to be big sellers. When I picked up my Sheriff's Lock up it seemed like 2 or 3 had already been purchased since I last checked on Friday. The (...) (23 years ago, 5-Mar-02, to lugnet.western,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fort Legoredo Spotted in TRU Metrotown
(...) Awesome! How about the rest of the town? Or is lego only releasing those 3 sets that are already on the LUGNET database? I'm looking for 6764 in the Vancouver Area. Same price as when they came out? Tim Tosino (23 years ago, 4-Mar-02, to lugnet.western,

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